[Classed Pulse Torpedo]
-[Disruptor (Star Trek)]
-[Electrically Charged Plasma Torpedo]
-[Fusion Flare]
-[Fusion Torpedo]
-[Hyperspace Torpedo]
-[Long Range Pulse Torpedo]
-[Nannite Torpedo]
- [NIF Torpedo] - [Nuclear Torpedo]
-[Photon Cannon]
-[Plasma Torpedo (SFB)]
-[Plasma Torpedo (SF)]
-[Pulse AutoCannon]
-[Pulse Cannon]
-[Short Range Pulse Torpedo]
-[Single Shot Pulse Torpedo]
-[Stutter Torpedo]
This is a heavier variant of the Pulse Torpedo Launcher, and comes in a number of classes, size 1 being the same size as a canon 'standard' pulse torpedo launcher.
The Classed Pulse Torpedo Launcher has the same chances to hit as a standard Pulse Torpedo launcher, however the damage is a number of D6's equal to the classed Pulse Torpedo class. The damage is counted in the same way as that of a standard Pulse Torpedo.
The MASS of a Classed Pulse Torpedo Launcher is 4 times its class (1 arc only), extra arcs add its Class in MASS each, to a maximum of 3 fire arcs in total. It has a COST of 3 times its MASS.
ICONS (examples): (class 2, 3 arc)
(class 4, 1 arc)
[Oerjan] Effectively grouping multiple standard P- torps into one single system.
Ease of repair is offset mainly by risk of overkilling targets, but also to some extent by increased vulnerability to Needles etc. Should be OK.
Disruptors are a variant of Pulse Torpedo Launcher Technology which gains distance and accuracy at the expense of damage. Disruptors do 1D6-1 real damage, but are completely stopped by any Gravitic Shields whatsoever. They use the following range/to hit chart:
At 0–10mu a hit is scored on 3+, at 10–20mu on 4+, at 20–30mu on 5+ and at 30–40mu on 6 only.
Disruptors are single fire-arc weapons only.
Disruptors have a MASS of 5, and cost 15 points.
[Charles] These were designed pre-Fleet Book 1, I would suggest giving them the same To Hit chart as Long Range Pulse Torpedo Launchers, and allowing them up to 3 fire arcs. Increase the MASS to 6, +2 per extra fire arc, with a cost of 3 points per MASS.
This weapon is found in the Genre: Star Trek section.
This torpedo itself has no explosive charge, merely providing propellant force, targeting and a confinement field for the plasma. The plasma discharges upon impact with the target, bypassing armour to cause all kinds of problems to the internal systems. Screens can deflect the torpedo, often causing it to miss the target entirely.
The CP-Torp is fired like a pulse torpedo, but subtract the level of screens of the target from the to-hit roll. The damage is 1D6 damage applied directly to the target's hull.
Special Notes:
[Schoon] - My only problem with what you've done is the Phalon armour interaction. Too complex and record intensive. Better (IMO) to say that it can only penetrate 1 layer of shell, doing damage to the layer underneath.
[Oerjan] How does a torpedo bypass the armour to damage the *hull structure*? The PSB describes the effects of an EMP weapon ("wreaking havoc on the internal systems"), not of a weapon which can magically bypass the armour and damage the *hull structure*.
The Fusion Flare is based on the same technology as the Fusion Torpedo, but keeps the mounting fusion reaction confined in a magnetic bottle, sacrificing aim and control for increased yield with distance. If a target is not hit, the bottle finally disintegrates after around 35mu, releasing the fusing plasma in a rapidly decaying, largely harmless burst.
The game dynamic is exactly the same as the Fusion Torpedo, except the damage increases with distance while the chance to hit decreases:
Range | Hit on roll of: | Damage |
0-6 mu | 1+ | 1 "beam" die |
6-12 mu | 2+ | 2 beam dice |
12-18 mu | 3+ | 3 beam dice |
18-24 mu | 4+ | 4 beam dice |
24-30 mu | 5+ | 5 beam dice |
30-36 mu | 6 | 6 beam dice |
The Fusion Flare Launcher has a MASS of 4 for 1 arc, with each extra arc adding +1 MASS, to a maximum of THREE fire arcs. It has a cost of 3 points per MASS.
[Schoon] The Range/Average Damage table is identical to the Fusion Torpedo. These weapons should balance with Short Range and Long Range Versions like the Short Range and Long Range Pulse Torpedo.
The warhead of this weapon creates a small fusion reaction that expands quickly over distance. Thus, though a hit is much more likely with increased range, the damage is reduced. The basic concept was to create something that has an INcreasing chance to hit with range, but DEcreasing damage.
The Fusion Torpedo rolls to hit just like a Pulse Torpedo, but does a certain number of dice damage, which are scored as beam dice; unlike Pulse Torpedoes, Fusion Torpedoes ARE affected by screens. (i.e. For three dice damage, results of [2-3-6- reroll of 4] would generate 3 points of damage on an unscreened vessel).
Range | Hit on roll of: | Damage |
0-6 mu | 6 | 6 "beam" dice |
6-12 mu | 5+ | 5 beam dice |
12-18 mu | 4+ | 4 beam dice |
18-24 mu | 3+ | 3 beam dice |
24-30 mu | 2+ | 2 beam dice |
30-36 mu | 1 | 1 beam die |
The Fusion Torpedo Launcher has a MASS of 4 for 1 arc, with each extra arc adding +1 MASS, to a maximum of THREE fire arcs. It has a cost of 3 points per MASS.
[Schoon] For the statisticians in our audience...
Range & Avg. Damage: 0-6 mu=0.8; 6-12=1.33; 12-18=1.6; 18-24=1.6; 24-30=1.33; 30-36=0.8. These weapons should balance with Short Range and Long Range Versions like the Short Range and Long Range Pulse Torpedo.
This weapon is found in the Genre: Star Trek section.
This weapon is found in the Weapons: Missiles section.
These are identical to the Enhanced Pulse Torpedoes described in Fleet Book 1 (page 7), except that they have 50% greater range:
At 0–9mu a hit is scored on 2+, at 9–18mu on 3+, at 18–27mu on 4+, at 27–36mu on 5+ and at 36–45mu on 6 only.
The damage is still 1D6, scored as for a normal Pulse Torpedo.
The Long Range Pulse Torpedo Launcher has a MASS of 8, +2 MASS per additional arc, to a maximum of THREE fire arcs. It has a cost of 3 points per MASS.
A derivative of the Pulse Torpedo, The Nannite Torpedo launches an invasion of destructive Nannites against the target. On each turn after successful impact, the nannite invasion consumes more of the target's armour, hull, and systems in a frenzy of self-replication.
In the damage table the numbers A/B/C... represent damage done on the first, second and third turn, etc. Damage is divided between Armour and hull, round up for armour, down for hull. A successful Damage Control roll will kill the nannite invasion and make the ship immune to further nannite attacks for this combat. Additional Nannite Torpedo hits beyond the first reduce the damage control roll by 1, though a 6 will always kill the invasion. Ships that are destroyed by nannite attack are completely unsalvageable.
To determine the effects of a Nannite Torpedo hit, roll on the table below:
Die Roll | Damage |
1 | No effect |
2–3 | 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 3* |
4–5 | 1 / 2 / 3 / 3* |
6 | 2 / 3 / 3* |
If the Nannite Torpedo launcher is damaged by a failed threshold check due to damage, or successful Needle Beam attack, there is a 1 in 6 chance that the casing on a torpedo will crack and launch a Nannite invasion on the carrying ship (roll once on the Nannite Torpedo table).
The Nannite Torpedo Launcher has the same MASS, Point Cost, range bands, and to-hit chances as a Pulse Torpedo Launcher (see Fleet Book 1, page 7).
This is New Israeli modification of fusion weapon technology. The weapon has two modes. The first (T-mode) is identical to the Fusion Torpedo, the second (F-mode) is identical to the Fusion Flare.
Mode for each system on a ship is selected at the start of the
scenario, The mode can be changed during the game, but the system must
be offline for two full turns while being changed (i.e. if changeover is marked in orders on turn 1, the NIFT operable in new mode on turn 3).
The Fusion Flare Launcher has a MASS of 4 for 1 arc, with each extra arc adding +1 MASS, to a maximum of THREE fire arcs. It has a cost of 3 points per MASS.
Nuclear torpedoes are best described as a cross between Pulse Tops and Salvo Missiles. They are fired during Phase 4) LAUNCH ORDINANCE, but have unlimited ammunition like the Pulse Torpedo Launcher. Place markers for the Nuclear Torpedoes (one for each torpedo fired, i.e. one per launcher used) within 30mu of the fore arc (weapon may only bear through the forward arc). After movement, resolve damage during Phase 8) MISSILE, PLASMA BOLT AND FIGHTER ATTACKS.
Any ship within 3mu of the marker suffers 2D6 damage from the shock wave. The damage is read as the dice face value (i.e. if a player rolls a 3 and 5 the total damage is 8). The markers when placed must not be within 3mu of each other — else one torpedo will destroy the other before it can detonate.
The Nuclear Torpedo Launcher has a MASS of 6, and costs 24 points.
[General] No rules for fighter effects.
[Noam] – IMO, this system is superseded by Plasma Bolts.
[Oerjan] Apart from the PSB confusion - the "nuke torpedo" seems to use a completely different damage mechanism (nuclear warheads rather than mag-bottled plasma), this is very similar to a PBL-2 with a Vector-sized template. The differences are:All things considered, I wouldn't make it smaller/cheaper than a normal PBL-2 (at 10 MASS, 30 points for 3 arcs).
- can't be shot down
- not degraded by screens
- fires every turn
Photon Cannons operate precisely as Pulse Torpedo Launchers, except that normal screens defend against them rather than Gravitic Shields. Against level 1 screens, any damage roll of 6 is negated (does no damage at all), while against level 2 screens or vapour shrouds, and damage roll of 5+ is negated.
Photon Cannons have the same MASS and point cost as a Pulse Torpedo Launcher.
[Charles] These were designed pre-Fleet Book 1, I've replaced the screen mechanism suggested with one in line with the effect of screens on Plasma Bolts. I suggest the MASS be reduced to 3, +1 per additional arc.
This weapon is found in the Genre: Star Trek section.
This weapon is found in the Genre: Miscellaneous section.
The Pulse Autocannon is a lightweight variant of the Pulse Torpedo Launcher, similar in many respects to the pulse batteries using in Babylon 5. It is much more steerable than its larger cousin, and can function in a limited point defence role.
At 0–3 mu, a hit is scored on 2+, at
3–6 mu, on 3+, at 6–9 mu, on 4+, at 9–12 mu, on 5+, and
at 12–15 mu on 6 only.
If these range bands are too small (for example, if you are playing with
a 1 mu = 1 cm scale), use this alternative; at 0–6 mu, a hit is
scored on a 2+, at 6–12 mu, a hit is scored on a 4+, and the
maximum range is 12 mu. The Pulse Autocannon automatically has all-round
fire capability (6 fire arcs).
For each hit roll 1D6, on a 1-3 it inflicts 1 damage point, while on a 4-6 it inflicts 2 damage points, 1 of which will penetrate 1 layer of armour, carapace, or shell. The Pulse Autocannon is not affected by screens.
In point defence mode, the Pulse Autocannon can engage fighters or missiles attacking the ship as if it were a class 1 K- Gun being used as a point defence weapon (see Fleet Book 2, page 9). A Pulse Autocannon used in point defence mode cannot be used in anti-ship mode in the same turn, and cannot be used in an area- defence role.
Optionally, a Pulse Autocannon that has not previously been used can act as a 'point defence' against Pulse Torpedoes or related weapons. If a Pulse Torpedo has been declared as an attack, but its attack has not yet been rolled, the player of the Pulse Autocannon equipped ship (if it is the target) may roll 1d6 per Pulse Autocannon declared as defence. Any roll of 6 destroys the Pulse Torpedo.
The MASS of a Pulse Autocannon is 1. It has a COST of 3 (or 4 if the ability to intercept Pulse Torpedoes is allowed).
[Oerjan] B1s DO get rerolls in PD mode, so the above description is incorrect (amended, Charles). The Pulse (Auto)Cannon is considerably weaker than a normal B1 which has the same mass, cost, PD firepower and fire arc, unless the target has lvl- 2 screens...]
This weapon is found in the Genre: Babylon 5 section.
These are identical to the Enhanced Pulse Torpedoes described in Fleet Book 1 (page 7), except that they have two-thirds the range:
At 0–4mu a hit is scored on 2+, at 4–8mu on 3+, at 8–12mu on 4+, at 12–16mu on 5+ and at 16–20mu on 6 only.
The damage is still 1D6, scored as for a normal Pulse Torpedo.
The Short Range Pulse Torpedo Launcher has a MASS of 2 if it has a single arc, or a MASS of 3, if it has 3 fire arcs. It has a cost of 3 points per MASS.
[Oerjan] MASS is conservative. MASS should be same as Pulser, but max. 3 arcs (1-arc = MASS 2, 3 arc = MASS 3). [Charles] MASS amended to Oerjan's suggestion (was 2 MASS + 1 per additional arc, to a maximum of 3).
This is a Pulse Torpedo Launcher that can only fire once per scenario (c.f. Submunitions Pack, see Full Thrust 2, page 18). It is designed for mounting on very small ships that do not have the capacity to mount a normal Pulse Torpedo Launcher.
(Charles Taylor & Schoon) The Single Shot Pulse Torpedo Launcher has a MASS of 2 if it is a single arc, or 3 if it has 3 arcs. The point cost is 3 points per MASS.
ICON: (1-arc)
(Charles Taylor) As an extension of this idea, there is the MAGAZINE-FED PULSE TORPEDO LAUNCHER, this includes a magazine that houses a limited number of shots, like a Salvo Missile Launcher (see Fleet Book 1, page 9).
The Magazine-Fed Torpedo Launcher has MASS of 2 if it has a single arc, or 3 if it has 3 arcs. The point cost is 3 points per MASS. The Magazine requires 1 MASS per torpedo carried, and each torpedo costs 3 points.
[Oerjan - paraphrased] These weapons are inherently unbalanced. Compare with the cost and effect of sumbmunitions packs.
[Charles] MASS has been increased in response to Oerjan’s comment.
These are Pulse Torpedo Launcher refinements, the Stutter Torpedo Launcher divides the energy of a Pulse Torpedo into smaller packets. A Stutter-3 Launcher (S3) produces 3 shots (a-la Classic Star Trek photon torpedo spread). A Stutter-6 Launcher (S6) produces six shots (similar to Babylon 5 Pulse Cannons). The damage per shot is lower, but the overall effect of the energy packetization increases the efficiency of damage delivery to the target.
S3 Torpedoes are approximately 28% more efficient than regular Pulse Torpedoes, while S6 Torpedoes are 72% more efficient. The table below shows the weapon statistics. On the start of a given turn (while writing orders), S6 Torpedo Launchers can be set to Interceptor mode. This takes a dedicated fire control system for each torpedo launcher so used. Interceptor mode allows the S6 Torpedo Launcher to act as a PDS in the arc(s) it faces (all Stutter Torpedo Launchers can have 3 arcs maximum).
Torpedo Launcher Type | Abbreviation | MASS | Point Cost | Nº shots | Damage per shot | SSD ICON |
Pulse Torpedo Launcher | P-Torp | 4 + 1/arc | MASS ×3 | 1 | 1D6* |
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Stutter 3 Torpedo Launcher | S3-Torp | 5 + 1/arc | MASS ×4 | 3 | 1–2* |
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Stutter 6 Torpedo Launcher | S6-Torp | 6 + 1/arc | MASS ×5 | 6 | 1 |
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[Charles] It should be noted that the Stutter 6 Torpedo has poor armour penetration in comparison to the other two types.
Last Update June 27, 2003, NRI