[AFHAWKS] -[Blinder Missile] -[C+ Cannon] -[ECM Missile] -[EMP Salvo Missile] -[Energy Mine] -[FTL Emergence Missile] -[FTL Exit Missile] - [Gunge Missile] - [Hyperspace Torpedo] -[Jammer/Decoy Missile] -[Missile Speed] -[MT Missile System] -[Nannite Missile] -[Needle Missile] -[Nova Salvo Missile] -[Orbital Artillery Missile] -[Planetary Defence Missile] -[Powerleech Missile] -[Salvo Missile Interception Mode] -[Submunition Missile] -[Targeting Beacon] -[Torpedo/M]
This weapon is found in the Defences: Interception section.
The Blinder Missile is a weak EMP weapons designed to disable the sensor systems on the target vessel. The EMP warhead can only affect relatively sensitive instruments, those which rely on measuring the outside environment. (In game terms, this means Fire Control systems and Special/Improved Sensors).
Hits by ECM - or "Blinder" Missiles do 1 pt of damage. Their other affects are confined to Fire Control Systems and Special Sensors. Each ECM hit causes an instantaneous threshold check to all Fire Control systems (and special sensors, if any), requiring a roll of 6 to damage them.
The Blinder Missile has the standard MASS and cost of a 'MT' Missile.
[Alan Brain] In practice, nearly all needle beam targets etc are FC sensors anyway, so the limitation just prevents completely wrecking the larger ships, rather than poking their eyes out. These weapons should be used to "soften up" a large target before hitting it with multiple threats.)
This weapon is found in the Spinal Mount Weapons section.
These MT missiles do no actual damage, instead, they split into three parts, two dummy warheads and one ECM warhead.
The dummy warheads must remain within 2mu of the ECM warhead. The effect is to spoof the targets PDS so it wastes shots on dummy targets.
In game terms, this missile is represented by 3 counters, each apparently a normal MT missile. Their true nature is only revealed after the opposing player has allocated their PDS to defend against the missiles.
These are the same MASS and point cost as normal MT missiles.
They are treated as normal salvo missiles, except that each missile will only inflict 1 point of damage. If the number of missiles in a salvo that hit is greater than 2+ the number of screen levels of the target, then the target should make a threshold check at its current level. If multiple EMP salvos hit and affect the same ship, or a combination of E.M.P. salvos and E.M.P. MT Missiles, then the effect is the same as if the ship had passed multiple thresholds in a single attack (see Fleet Book 1, p. 5).
We need to decide whether Phalon Vapour shrouds have the effect of level-2 screens against these or not, the PSB (water/ice mist) would seem to imply not, but it might be better if they did work.
These are the same MASS and point cost as normal missile salvos (and, optionally, are available in an extended-range version).
[Charles] My original proposal was based on the EMP missiles published in More Thrust. I have re-designed these to bring them in line with the proposed updated MT Missiles.
This weapon is found in the Genre: Babylon 5 section.
The "Missile" is basically a naked FTL drive core. Firing ship drops the Missile into Hyperspace using its own FTL engine and tries to target emergence point near enemy ships. The Missile has no explosive charge of its own. Damage is solely from the hyperspace emergence distortion effect. As actually hitting with FTL missiles is not easy, FTL Missiles are best used by capital ships to disrupt oncoming fleet formations at long range.
The missile range is 4mu per MASS of the firing ships FTL drive. A marker is placed at target point during missile launch phase. The target point "drifts" due to targeting errors exactly as in Full Thrust "Entering Battle Under FTL Drive (p. 24)" with optional reroll and multiplication on 6 rule: i.e. random clock direction, 1D6 mu (if 6, multiply by 1d6).
The damage is exactly as for ships entering the board form FTL in the same section: All ships/objects in 6mu radius around the actual point of emergence takes 1D6 damage (1-5 damage = roll, 6 damage =6*1D6). Damage is applied as with pulse torpedoes. Fighters may escape blast radius by using a CEF to make a secondary move, but will be destroyed if caught within the radius of effect.
The firing ship must have working FTL drive, and cannot use or warm up its FTL drive for jump while it is firing FTL Missiles. Only 1 FTL missile can be fired per turn by any given ship. If two ships firing FTL missiles are within 6mu of each other, then both roll as if "Leaving the Table Under FTL Drive" (Full Thrust p23-24).
This may be considered yet another "Capital ship favouring weapon".
Inspired by Bif Smith's C+ Cannon and Nathan's Hyperspace Torpedo
[Oerjan] PSB question: How do the fighters know where/when the missile will emerge? ARE fighters affected by ships entering/leaving hyperspace - the FT2 rules aren't entirely clear on this?
[Noam] I assume that there's some realspace "ripple" or warning that presages FTL emergence. Fighters might be able to react fast enough to the signs, ships can't. an alternative fighter outcome is that fighters can spend an additional CEF to "surf" the distortion effect and stay basically in place.
Each salvo "missile" is really a miniature FTL drive core, powered by a short duration cell in the SM booster. The damage is derived solely from the effects of the missile entering hyperspace in proximity to other ships.
All ships/Fighters that are within 6mu may fire on the FTL-SM with point
defence weapons.
Upon reaching the target point, Each Missile jumps to hyperspace. Ships
that are within the area of effect (modified from "Leaving the Table
Under FTL Drive" (Full Thrust p23-24) as below) will
take damage.
All missiles that survive PDS fire attempt to FTL jump (roll 1D6: 1-2 = FTL failure or missile explodes - no damage, 3-4, Missile jumps, all ships in the area of effect take 1 damage point, 5-6 =Missile jumps, all ships in area of effect take 1D6 damage points (all damage applied as a pulse-torpedo).
The radius of effect for jumping missiles = 5mu + 1mu per missile (i.e.
6- 11mu for 1-6 jumping missiles).
If the radius for one FTL-SM round overlaps that of another, then damage
in the area of overlap is additive.
A FTL-SM has the same MASS and cost as a conventional SM. An extended- range version is available, with the MASS and cost of a conventional extended-range SM.
Inspired by Bif Smith's C+ Cannon and Nathan's Hyperspace Torpedo
I believe the nearest equivalent would be our modern-day salvo missile launcher. The launcher itself would need to be larger and more expensive than the conventional system, though the missiles would only take up the usual magazine space. It would not be possible to install the weapon on a rack basis.
Despite the name, the range is not fantastic. A Hyperspace Torpedo Launcher fires a salvo of torpedoes into hyperspace rather than at the target. Each torpedo is programmed to emerge from hyperspace as part of a coherent spread intended to place one or more rounds inside the target's screens and point defences, and ideally inside the target's hull.
The chance of hitting is as a Pulse Torpedo Launcher. The damage will be highly variable, with three possible outcomes:
Hyperspace Torpedoes can not be fired through screens.
Any screen level on the target reduces category three damage entirely,
reducing it to category 2 or 1, (roll 1D6: 1–4 = category 2;
5–6 = category 1). Each screen level also subtracts 1 from each
damage die roll.
The Hyperspace Torpedo Launcher has a MASS of 8, and costs 24 points. The Magazine has a MASS of 2 per Hyperspace Torpedo carried, and each Hyperspace Torpedo costs 6 points.
(with 3-shot magazine)
[Noam] Nathan makes HPT's core-type systems, but FTL drive is "internal" to the ship in the same way and it's not core. Thresholds don't just mean the system is exposed to fire. With screen restrictions, the torpedo might be costed as a standard or ER salvo missile round.
[Oerjan] Weber's "Mutineers' Moon" series of books, and many other SF novels use exactly this type of weapon.
These would replace the warhead with a electronics package designed to blind/jam the sensors/PDS of it's target. Available in both SM and MT missile versions. When fired, this missile jams the PDS of its target and any ADFC/PDS tied to it. The missile must be targeted and destroyed first, before any other missiles can be engaged by the defences. PDS must be allocated to each salvo (SML) or missile (MT) including the jammer(s). If the PDS doesn't destroy the jammer, the other PDS cannot engage/destroy the other missiles incoming.
Mass/Range as like other missiles. Cost is 5 points per MASS.
(MT Missile)
(Salvo Missile)
(ER Salvo Missile)
[Bif Smith] Works better with MT missiles, due to each missile being a separate missile instead of a salvo (or you could roll the number of SM's on target, that is the number of jammers to be intercepted).
[Noam] System is predicated on a certain PSB for PDS. Other PSB (i.e. PDS are guns manned by crews with their own decision making skills) would make forcing them to fire on the decoy unreasonable. Cost is also too low for something that can basically clear the way for unfettered missile (and fighter) damage.
This sounds a bit complex at first, but I think should execute pretty simply in 3 steps. I hate added complexity, but think this may really be workable.
Missile Lock Roll | AV (Normal) | AV (ER) |
1D6 (1-6 missiles) | 0-30 mu | 0-42 mu |
1D6-1 (1-5) | 30-36 mu | 42-48 mu |
1D6-2 (1-4) | 36-42 mu | 48-54 mu |
1D6-3 (1-3) | 42-48 mu | 54-60 mu |
1D6-4 (1-2) | 48-54 mu | 60-66 mu |
1D6-5 (1 max) | 54-60 mu | 66-72 mu |
1D6-6 (0) | 60+ mu | 72+ mu |
Probably some numbers would need to be run, but I think SML overall effect and therefore cost, should not be too affected by these alterations. High vs. low velocity games (and high differential velocity) will balance somewhat differently, natch.
Quick and dirty examples:
[Charles] Why assume that the quoted 'ranges' of SMs and ER-SMs in Fleet Book 1 assume that the launching ship is at rest - if we assume (big assumption!
) an average velocity of a launching ship of say 12mu, then the velocity of a SM could be 12 + launching ship's velocity, while that of an ER-SM is 24 + launching ship's velocity.
These missiles are larger than individual Salvo Missiles, and have either longer endurance or a more powerful warhead.
These are actually an update to the missile system first described in More Thrust, and usually referred to as "MT" missiles. The revisions came about as the result of a long-running discussion on the mailing list.
MT Missiles have a primary movement range, like fighters, except that it is always 18mu for MT Missiles. MT Missiles have an endurance factor of 1 to 5, (depending on type), similar to the combat endurance factor of fighters. MT Missiles will burn 1 point of endurance making a primary move.
MT Missiles are launched during Phase 4) LAUNCH ORDNANCE. After their first turn of flight, MT Missiles are moved at the BEGINNING of Phase 3) MOVE FIGHTER GROUPS, i.e. before the fighters move. This means that fighters need only burn Combat Endurance Factors to intercept MT Missiles in their first turn of flight.
MT Missile attacks are allocated during Phase
must be within 6mu (3mu using the vector movement rules) of a target. A
MT Missile will attack the nearest enemy target within range, just like a
salvo missile. Any MT Missile (even those not attacking) can spend 1
endurance factor to gain a secondary movement of 6mu (3mu using vector
movement). A MT Missile can spend an endurance factor to gain a secondary
move, then attack (q.v.), in the same phase. This can be to gain
additional range, or to choose which target to attack.
A fighter group may attempt to intercept a MT Missile as if it were a
missile salvo with only 1 missile (see Fleet Book 1, p.
MT Missiles can be defended against using point defence fire during Phase 7) POINT DEFENCE FIRE. A single PDS can destroy 1 MT Missile a roll of 4+ on 1D6. A Kra'Vak Scattergun or Sa'Vas'Ku Interceptor Pod will automatically kill 1 MT Missile. Screening fighters or Class-1 Beam Batteries or K-guns will kill 1 missile on a roll of 5+ (no re-rolls).
Any MT Missiles that survive phase 7 now attack their targets, inflicting damage that depends upon the missile type. Half of the damage is scored on ARMOUR (round up), while the remainder is scored on HULL (or the next armour layer in, for layered shells). After the attacks have been resolved any MT Missiles that have exhausted their endurance factors and are out of attack range of any viable targets are removed from play.
The MT Missile types are as follows:
Missile Type | Endurance | Damage | Notes |
Long Lance | 5 | 1D6 | — |
Standard | 3 | 2D6 | — |
Misericorde | 1 | 3D6 | — |
E.M.P. | 1 | 1 | Roll 1D6, if roll not less than 2+ target screen level, target must make threshold check at current level. (Multiple E.M.P. missile strikes are treated as failing multiple thresholds). |
MT Missile systems come in two types: externally carried one-use launch racks (termed MT Missile Racks, or MTMR), or reloadable launching tubes. There are two options for the later version, either MT Missiles have their own, specific launcher system (denoted a MT Missile Launcher, or MTML), or they can be launched from standard Salvo Missile Launchers (Fleet Book 1, p.9). The former option is probably more realistic, while the latter option allows for the use of MT Missiles with existing, SML-equipped, designs.
If MTMLs are used, the launcher itself takes 2 MASS and costs 6 points. For either of the reusable launcher options (SML with MTMs or MTML), each MT Missile carried in the internal magazine takes up 1 MASS and costs 3 points. An external MTMR takes 2 MASS for the complete rack plus missile, and costs 6 points.
![]() |
(MT Missile Launcher) | ||
MT Missiles (in magazines) |
![]() (Standard) |
![]() (Long Lance) |
![]() (Misericorde) |
![]() (E.M.P.) |
(in racks) |
![]() (Standard) |
![]() (Long Lance) |
![]() (Misericorde) |
![]() (E.M.P.) |
![]() (Standard) |
![]() (Long Lance) |
![]() (Misericorde) |
![]() (E.M.P.) |
[Oerjan] (Referring to MTML) OK. Analogous with SMR vs SML/Magazine.
[Derek Fulton's Suggestion] (Derek's Missile Web Page)These move as per fast fighters, with a 2-turn endurance. They home in on the closest target when their endurance is exhausted. Note that like fighters, they can burn the second endurance for an additional move of up to 12mu, so they can usually make sure the desired target is the closest one if fired at close range.
The Warheads are as in More Thrust page 3.
As described on the URL given above.
A Nannite Missile is a missile that instead of
having a more conventional warhead (kinetic impact, chemical explosive,
nuclear explosive, bomb-pumped laser etc.) has a warhead containing
omnivorous self-replicating nano-machines.
On each turn after a successful impact, the nannite invasion consumes
more of the target's armour, hull, and systems in a frenzy of self-
replication. In the damage table the numbers A/B/C... represent damage
done on first, second, and third turn, etc. The damage is divided between
Armour and hull, rounded up for armour, down for hull.
A successful Damage Control roll kills the nannite invasion and makes
the ship immune to further nannite attack this combat. Additional Nannite
hits beyond the first reduce the damage control roll by 1, though a roll
of 6 always kills the invasion. Ships that are destroyed by nannite
attack are completely unsalvageable.
If the Nannite Missile is damaged by failing threshold check, there is a
1 in 6 chance that the casing on a missile will crack and launch an
invasion on the carrying ship (roll on the table).
Die Roll | Damage |
1 | No effect |
2-3 | 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 3* |
4-5 | 1 / 2 / 3 / 3* |
6 | 2 / 3 / 3* |
The Nannite Missile has the same MASS and cost as an MT Missile, and uses the MT Missile attack rules.
A Needle Missile is a highly accurate missile capable of targeting and destroying a single system on the target ship.
On a successful hit, a Needle Missile attacks the specified target system as a Needle Beam (see Fleet Book 1, p. 7) D6 times.
The Needle Missile has the same MASS and cost as an MT Missile, and uses the MT Missile attack rules.
[Oerjan] Unless you can pack in a full-sized FCS into the missile in addition to its drive and warhead, the missile doesn't have good enough sensors to pick out a specific target system.
[Charles] OTOH, with sufficient justification (target designators, remote piloted missile, quantum resonance similarity attraction, magically controlled rats steering the thing etc.) it could be possible - perhaps for more 'high tech' fleets. Another possibility is 'specialist Needle Missiles that only target one type of system by homing in on its emissions - a 'drive seeking' needle missile is an obvious candidate.
This weapon was the subject of Weapon of the Week discussion #1, Feb 5-12, 2001 in the GZG List. The consensus stats are presented first, followed by Stray Cat's original concept in smaller font.
The name was changed to make it more PSB- neutral, and less of a mouthful.
Nova Salvo Missiles (NOVA-SM) are a special ammunition type for Salvo Missile Launchers. The Nova Salvo Missile is launched just like a normal (range 24mu) Salvo Missile, but its effects are identical to those of a Plasma Bolt launched from a Class 2 plasma Bolt Launcher (see Fleet Book 2, p. 36), including damage and the effects of screens and point defence systems.
Longer-ranged versions may be possible, but the MASS of such salvoes has not yet been determined.
Each Nova Salvo Missile requires 3 MASS of magazine (like a SML-ER) and has a cost of 9 points. A rack-mounted Nova Salvo Missile exists, and has a MASS of 5 and costs 15 points (like a SMR-ER).
ICONS (in magazines):
Stray Cat's Original:
This is a special ordnance for the Salvo Missile Launcher/Rack systems. An antimatter load-out takes up the same amount of space as ER SMs. (These have not yet been playtested. If they are too powerful, then increase their size until one of these takes up the same amount of space as three standard SM salvos.
They are launched during the normal turn sequence. During the missile attack phase of the turn, antimatter missiles explode with up to a six- inch radius. Point defence can reduce the effectiveness of the explosion. The area of effect of this ordinance is a six-inch radius from the point of detonation. All vessels, fighter groups, and missiles within a one-inch radius take damage totalling one die per missile in the salvo. The explosive effect reduces with range. At the center out to one-inch radius all the dice are added together to calculate damage. At the next range band, the largest die is dropped. And so on, always reducing the damage value of the explosion by the next largest die as the effect spreads outward. For example: If a player rolls 3, 4, 5, 2, then objects within one inch take 14 damage. Those within two inches take 9 damage points. Range three objects suffer 5 damage, and anything in the last range band takes 2 damage points.
These are space-borne missiles, either Salvo Missiles or MT type missiles, that are designed for providing orbital fire-support for ground troops.
The effects of Orbital Artillery Missiles are as
described in Dirtside II, chapter 9 "ARTILLERY".
Orbital Artillery Salvo Missiles (OA-SMs) are treated as MEDIUM
artillery firing in an 'OPEN SHEAF' mission, with the two markers up to
20" apart. The line of the two markers may have any orientation, but both
end markers must roll for deviation (see Dirtside II, p.
40) separately.
Orbital Artillery MT Missiles (OA-MTMs) are treated as HEAVY artillery
firing in a 'CONVERGED SHEAF' mission, with the fire deviation as for all
Ortillery fire missions.
Orbital Artillery Missiles can be any of the Munition types listed on page 37 of Dirtside II that have been agreed upon by the players.
Orbital Artillery Missiles occupy the usual MASS for missiles of their type (SMs or MTMs), however, their point cost is paid for out of the players ground forces budget, using the costs on page 52 of Dirtside II.
ICONS: (MT Missile)
(Salvo Missile)
Fixed at one point on planet surface (pick one clock face as facing). Works as MT Missile, but must spend first turn after launch traversing atmosphere/gravity well. At start of second turn, Missile can make up to 1-60° turn, and move 24mu. The missile can either have a 6-12mu reaction move to burn it's last endurance factor (6mu in any direction, 12mu in forward 60°), or may move next turn at 24mu and another 60° turn. Larger colonies should be able to manufacture enough of these on their own that only a major task force would try to take one out from space. Inner colonies and core worlds could mount a nearly impenetrable defence with < 2000 points of PDM's. PDSM's cost the same as ER SMs but have standard missile range to make up for grav boosters.
The Planetary Defence MT Missile costs 6 points, includes ground launch system. The Planetary Defence Salvo Missile have the same cost as an ER SML.
ICONS: (MT Missile)
[Charles] Needs updating to match the updated MT Missiles, also, it should probably be integrated into a set of rules for planet-side bases.
For a combined Full Thrust/Dirtside II game, a combination of counter-battery radar and planet-based missiles could be used to provide counter-battery fire against a ship using ortillary or orbital artillery missiles.
There are two versions of these missiles, one is a variant of a MT missile, while the other is a variant Salvo Missile.
If the Powerleech MT Missile hits a ship, roll 1D6 and divide by 2 (round up). This is the number of systems on the target ship that must make Threshold checks. The threshold order is dictated by the firing player – stop checking when the total is reached. Even if no threshold fails, the threshold level of the target is increased by 1. I.e. if the 1st row of boxes is finished, roll threshold as if the 2nd row had been finished.
The Powerleech Salvo Missile attacks as a standard, 24mu range Salvo Missile. The number of system thresholds that must be made (see the previous paragraph) is equal to the number of missiles that hit. The threshold level increases if 3 or more missiles hit.
The Powerleech MT Missile has a MASS of 2, and costs 8 points. The Powerleech Salvo Missile requires 3 MASS of magazine, and costs 9 points.
ICONS: (MT Missile)
(Salvo missile)
[Oerjan] The MT version causes an automatic increase in threshold level if it hits? That is very, VERY powerful, particularly against large ships; easily worth 15-20 pts of damage on a capital ship. The SM version is considerably weaker.
[Charles] How about giving it a different effect on Sa'Vasku ships? Instead of causing system thresholds, each MT Powerleech reduces the Sa'Vasku ship’s power pools by 1D6 points, and each Powerleech Salvo Missile reduces the power pool by ½D6. The power points are removed from the pool with the most points in it first. Additionally, the power output of the ships power generators is reduced by a like amount until the generators are repaired.
This weapon is found in the Defences: Interception section.
The submunition missile behaves in all respects as
a normal missile until it detonates. At that point, ten separate one-shot
Class 1 beams are activated; these may be fired at any valid target (i.e.
within 6mu and not in the missile's rear arc). At least half the weapons,
however, must be fired at a "primary target". Each
PDS hit reduces the number of submunitions that fires by 1.
The individual submunitions each do a standard beam weapon die of
The Submunition Missile has the same MASS and point costs as a standard MT Missile.
[Oerjan] FBx average damage 8/6.3/4.6 (vs 0/1/2 levels of screens respectively) which may be spread out over several targets, and can't be shot down if you don't have ADFC. Sounds rather more powerful than the standard MTM (avg. dmg 7 at a single target and easier to shoot down).
[Charles] I'd reduce it to 6 beam dice (or less), and treat them as Submunitions Pack dice (i.e. screens do not apply). PDS fire destroys the submunitions as follows: roll 1D6 per PDS, 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 = kill 1 dice worth, 6 = kill 2 dice worth, and re-roll.
This Salvo Missile type does no damage, instead, any round(s) that survive PDS fire will lock a homing beacon onto the hull of the ship targeted. This beacon allows any SML fired at the ship with the beacon to gain a +1 to the number of missiles on target roll, and can bypass any "banzai jammer" and/or the "target the nearest ship" rule. The effect can be negated by a functioning ECM system (either individual or area) (see More Thrust, p. 6).
The Targeting Beacon Salvo Missiles have the same range as Extended Range Salvo Missiles.
Targeting Beacons may be removed one at a time from the target's hull by a successful damage control roll of 6. The Damage Control Party attempting this is destroyed on a roll of 1.
The Targeting Beacon Missile requires the same magazine MASS as a standard Salvo Missile. It has a cost of 4 points per MASS.
[Oerjan] Interesting. No idea if it is *balanced*, but it looks like a kewl idea <g>. PSB-wise DCPs should have a chance to remove them though.
[Noam] DCP's should be able to work as normal vs. beacons (i.e. you can use 2 or 3 at once for better chances of success), and there should be no loss of DCP on a 1.
(More a Missile variant than Torpedo)
These weapons are designed for anti-capship butchering. If the torpedo
hits, it will do a guaranteed 18 damage.
A Torpedo/M rack has a MASS of 4, and costs 12 points.
[Noam] Vastly over complex. Low yield for high restrictions. Assumes very slow game speeds.
[Oerjan] If your enemy allows you to sit within weapon range of his capitals for 5+ turns unmolested (3 to get a weapon lock for the Torpedo/M, 2+ for the Torp/M to reach its target), he is either an utter incompetent deserving everything he gets, or he thinks that YOU are an utter incompetent who needs a head start. For that matter, if you have had the enemy in your primary weapon arc (ie., (F)) and within range of your other weapons, how comes the enemy ships still exist?
[Charles] I'd replace this with a 'heavy missile', like a beefed-up MT Missile, with increased damage, and the ability to resist PDS fire etc. as a heavy fighter. Cost is as listed for a rack-mounted version.
Last Update June 27, 2003, NRI